Talking Cons!

I'm going to be tabling my first convention! That's right you can see me, behind a table, at a convention. This convention to be exact. It's the Smudge! Expo on March 14th in Arlington, VA. So if you're in the area, come on down and say hi, as well as check out all the other awesome creators and programming. Did I mention it's free? I'll be posting some of the stuff I'll have for sale as we get closer but expect comics and some prints/posters. I'll see you there!

Reference Pages

Books, books, books! Buy/borrow them, read them, love them! Here's a list of books related to comic writing/creating specifically that you should get your hands on.

1.) Understanding Comics/Making Comics by Scott McCloud

2.) Word for Pictures by Brian Michael Bendis

3.) Comics and Sequential Art/Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative by Will Eisner

4.) Come In Alone by Warren Ellis 

5.) Writers on Comics Scriptwriting Vol. 1 and 2 by Mark Salisbury, Andrew Kardon, and Tom Root. 

6.) Panel One by Kurt Busiek and Neil Gaiman

Writers Block #2: The all consuming black hole of research!

Welcome back! That is if you're returning, if not then just welcome. This is part two of an  part series where I talk about how I go about writing comics, in hopes that it might help you out with your own writing/answer any questions/help you kill five minutes of your time. Last time I did a post about ideas, where they come from, and how to come up with some if you get stuck. This time I'm going to talk about the next step after the inspiration hits you. 

Like I said last time, I get a lot of ideas, some good and some bad. Once I get a good one, the next thing that pops into my head is "you know nothing John Snow." My comic Hive Mind is a good example. I wanted to do a book that gave zombies a somewhat plausible origin and the ability to communicate with a sort of hive mind like bees and ants. The first thing that came to mind was nanotechnology and stem cells, two things I only had very base knowledge of. And thus began the journey into the wormhole of internet research. 

First things first, I love the internet. In theory it provides the building blocks of an even playing field for all. Once you log on, there is nothing you can't find out about with a little persistence, all the information is at your finger tips (and if you want to keep it that way, read this). The downside from a research standpoint though, is that there is sooooo much information, and not all of it is factual. So let's break down some do's and don'ts of researching for your comic, and how to get the most out of your time and effort. 

1.) Do use wikipedia; Don't make it your one stop shop. 

Wikipedia is a great thing full of wonderful information that is mostly accurate. Mostly is the key word. Wikipedia isn't a bad place to start if you just want some background info on a topic you're using in your book. From superhero origins to theoretical physics, you can find pretty much whatever you want to know, but always be sure to double check it somewhere else. There are usually websites dedicated to the kinds of things you want to know, made and operated by people who know about them. I found a lot of good information at the NIH website as well as other government sites and science journals. Basically if you're going to use Wiki just make sure to double check any facts that you have doubts about or better yet, everything just to be safe. 

2.) Do a Google/Bing search; Don't stop after the second page of results. 

Ahhhh Google. Google's our friend right, it always knows the answers to all of our questions. But Google and other search engines run on an algorithm and it isn't necessarily built to give you the most informative results. Basically what this means is sometimes that top few results of your search aren't going to give you what you're looking for. You might have to word your search a bit differently or even (Dun Dun Dun) go a few pages deeper to find the information you need. I know for me, if I don't find what I'm looking for after a page or two, I just do a new a search, but I've found that sometimes if you take the time to go a bit deeper, you'll find it. This isn't always the case, since you'll find diminishing returns sometimes the farther you go, but sometimes the hunt for that precious bit of information takes a bit more patience than we normally give to things like funny cat pictures and Twitter wars.  

3.) Do bookmark things; Don't forget to make a bookmark folder. 

So you've found a great site that has all the info you're looking for, and later you want to reference it again, but you can't remember the name of the site or how you got there. That's what bookmarks are for, just save it in your browser and boom! instant access. But again, if you're like me, you bookmark a LOT of stuff, and sometimes the way it gets saved isn't The life cycle of a horse, or That thing you wanted to know about drug lords in Colombia, but rather Craig's page, or monkeytime.tumblr.blahblahblah. That's why it's a good idea to make a folder called comic research and place all of your bookmarks in there. If you have multiple projects make multiple clearly  labeled folders so you don't confuse one project with another. Trust me, time flies when you're writing and researching, especially on a deadline, and the last thing you want is to waste half an hour trying to track down something you could have saved and found instantly. 

4.) Remember books?

This is less of a do and don't and more of just a reminder that books exist, as do libraries. Not all the information in the world is stored online, and it may never be. There are millions of books out there and it would take a long time to log all the that information, thus the importance of going out and finding a physical (or digital) book. One of the best things about books (besides everything) is that 95% of the time, especially when dealing with scientific/historical/general non-fiction topics, they're extremely accurate sources of information. Nothing is more embarrassing for an author and a publishing company than to be exposed as liars or printing false information. It happens sometimes, especially in autobiographies/biographies but most of the time if it's in a book, you can trust it (wouldn't hurt to double check them too though just to be safe). Libraries also house lots of old newspapers. magazines, and journals that you can be extremely helpful. And the best thing about libraries is they're really friendly (in person) and also with each other. So if you can't find what you're looking for at your local library, you can see if you can request it from another library, and most often they can send it to your local one in a few days. Case in point, get a library card, make friends with your local librarians and stick your head in a book every now and then. 

5.) Do research your topic; Don't just research your topic. 

This is the trickiest part of the research stage, deciding when you're done. It's a scary stage to move past for me, because often times I feel like I just don't know enough. There's one more piece I need to put the whole thing together, and then another, and another. No one expects you to be an expert on the the things you're writing about (unless it's a non-fiction comic which in that case you better be), so don't feel like you have to know it all. Once I knew that nanotechnology and stem cells could theoretically (key word there) be used to do what I had envisioned, that was pretty much enough. Of course I did some more research just to learn a bit more, but I eventually had to get to the part where I wrote a comic book and not a dissertation. The same was true about actually writing comics. I did a ton of research, watched interviews, read advice columns like this, read books, did exercises and went to workshops. All of it helped me, but it wasn't until I realized I had done a lot of researching and not a lot of actual writing that the best way to actually learn is to do. It's the same with researching for a story, you'll find that you only use about a fraction of the things you research in your work (unless you're Warren Ellis) because at the end of the day, it's fiction, and you create the rules. 

So that was a long one, but I hope it proves helpful to those out there trying to hammer down the basics of the story they want to create. Just remember, research can prove invaluable and not just for your story. Research the comic industry as a whole, the people who helped and continue to help shape it, if someone has already done or is doing a story like yours, what kind of books aren't out there that you think should be. All of that is great, but don't let it stop you from doing whats most important, and that's actually writing. Next time I'll talk a bit about character building, but for now get your research on! 

Advice from people smarter than me #1

Sara Ryan is smarter than me. She's written several graphic novels, including Bad Houses , and also has this handy blog up where among other things, she writes about writing. 

A while back she did a series of blogs where she talked to different artists about the things they hate seeing in a script. Artists are your friends. They make you look good, often better than you are, case in point make them happy, not mad. So check this out and make sure this stuff isn't in your script before you send it off. 


Writers Block #1: Where do ideas come from?

So I'm no good at coming up with titles of things, so this will probably change over time. Anyways welcome to the first part of what will be a series of advice/tips on writing comics and just writing in general. Granted I have no idea what I'm doing, but then again neither does anyone else. There's no key or short cut to being a writer. There's no one book or piece of advice that you can read that will suddenly unlock your inner (insert favorite writer here). But by reading those books and seeing how other people's processes work, you can start to piece together your own methods and find what works for you. 

What works for you. 

That's key, because what works for Neil Gaiman may not work for you. Our brains are all different. Some people are more visual, some more abstract. The only way to figure it out is to try out different things until you find something that makes writing an enjoyable experience or for some people at least a bearable one. 

With that said, let's get into where every story starts, and that's with an idea. 

For me, I usually get my ideas due to my inability to concentrate on things for a long period of time (I think there's a name for that). This means I usually just start to daydream and bam! My mind starts making connections and a story starts to form. Are they good ideas? Of course not, a lot of it is just non-sense that comes and goes. But sometimes there's something good in there. A good practice is to make a folder on your computer and write down any idea you think might lead to something. Every once in a while come back and look at it, and if something just seems crazy or dumb, delete it. 

But what if you don't have the gift of ADD or are just having a hard time coming up with something? There's a conception out there that ideas have to somehow be original. Not true. We've been telling the same stories for a long, long time now. The trick is finding a way to tweak them to make them seem more original than they really are. The story of an alien sent from his planet to ours (or another one) and becoming it's protector is a pretty well worn one (Superman). But what about the story of a human kid going to an alien planet, and then coming back home only to find that he and the world he remembered had changed drastically? That's a bit of a different story, and that's how you separate yours from the myriad of other stories that are just Superman clones in disguise (Death of Superman pun not intended) (or you know what, sure, very much intended). 

Hive Mind was me basically looking at the zombie genre, which is definitely over saturated at the moment, and saying what could I do to make this different. I settled on making them smarter/able to learn because I found this more frightening than just dead bodies shambling around. What if they could plan, communicate, trick us? Kane Maverick was me looking at a genre I love in pulp comics/adventures and digging just below the surface to see what was there. What if beneath all the square jawed handsomeness and scientific know-how was an emotionally and social stunted, insecure man-child? What if underneath the mustache twirling and evil plans was a guy who really preferred creating to destroying? Sometimes it just takes taking a well worn idea and pushing it slightly to the left to make it appear brand new.   

Another tip is to pull things from your real life. Did your friend just tell you about this crazy mountain climbing trip where they got stuck in a cave for three days? That's a story. Find a trunk full of love letters your grandparents wrote in the attic? That's a story. There's plenty of ideas to be mined from ancient mythology and folklore (  Amazon has plenty of Folklore books for free on Kindle). Comb through local newspapers, and you'll often find bizarre or amazing true stories that can easily be used as inspiration for your own. Again, there's no such thing as cheating when it comes to story telling. The best writers have stolen and stolen brazenly. As long as you don't literally copy and paste someone else's work and claim it for your own (like this idiot) or change a few names and think no one will notice you'll be fine. 

Closing this out, watch lots of movies, read lots of comics and books, go to museums, sit in the park and people watch. You never know where an idea will come from and which ones will be good or bad. We all know how long it took J.K. Rowling to convince someone to publish Harry Potter, so never get too down on an idea. Sometimes you have bad ones, and guess what, no one will ever know because you can always let them go. Just make sure the idea you settle on is one that speaks to you, since you know you will eventually have to write about it. Scott Snyder often writes about his own fears. It's a way for him to face them and overcome them, at least in the story. Maybe you have your own fears that could be used as inspiration, or maybe it's dreams, or anxieties. Whatever it is, writing can be your way of tapping into them and taking control. 

Once you've settled on an idea, there's still a ways to go before you put pen to paper (fingers to keyboard?) For me those steps usually include research, character building, and world building. I'll touch on that first one next time, until then, go out into the world and find something you want to write about. 


So here's this. I have a few ideas for things I want to do with this site, so we'll see which ideas work, and which ones don't. For now this is where you can buy my comics like Hive Mind and the upcoming Kane Maverick as well as any other comics I come up with. I'll also post links to my webcomic Rewrite. In the coming days I'll also start posting blogs about how I go about writing comics for those interested, as well as links to resources, recommended books and films, and advice from those far more qualified to give it than me. I'm also considering doing breakdowns of specific runs, panels, pages, arcs, etc. and maybe not reviews per say, but thoughts on books and graphic novels. 

Besides that probably just pictures of cats. Mine specifically. Also just general ramblings, so check it out and feel free to leave comments good or bad.