What I'm working on.
So if anyone is reading this (always hard to tell), I kind of fell off the posting wagon for a bit, mostly because I've been busy working on a number of projects, new and old. So I figured it would probably be a good idea to run down what exactly I'm working on at the moment.
First and foremost Hive Mind #1 is out now! I have digital copies available in the store and I'll have a limited amount of physical copies ready in the next few days. Hive Mind #2 is in the works at the moment too, and that should be out sometime in late April/early May.
Next up is Kane Maverick which is about a pulp hero in the vein of Doc Savage who gets pulled into our world, along with his arch nemesis. Now he's faced with all sorts of challenges he can't punch or blast away from bad landlords,and blind dates to gentrification and street harassment. That should be out sometime in late April/May as well.
Then there's the webcomic I do with JJ Hernandez called Rewrite, which is about a top FBI agent who gets paired up with the governments latest secret weapon, a shapeshifting android. I don't have to sell it much more than that, right? You can find that on the Rewrite tab.
Finally I'm excited to start working on my first graphic novel titled Duality. It explores the the split (or merging depending on your view point) of the physical world and digital world as we spend more and more of our lives on computers/tablets/smartphones and the internet at large. It should be coming out in September (fingers crossed).
I'll be posting updates about all of these projects coming up, so be on the look out for all this stuff on this site and hopefully in a store in near you.